investor Don need worry just average down on the price I enter then u will be very good as I enter in a good price level so it is worth to add more to lower the cost and make it earn bigger later. u see my previous post the reason I exit is because the potential drop can go to 50 range this is the maximum level it will go , so it can drop to 60 range, that is why for trading I need exit for safety reason but for investing reason just average down at critical support just follow me to buy more at my reentry point will do.
TMW1986 : Short sellers aggressive. Let’s see. Result good just that call off ipo and jack ma selling.
1st of the 10 trades OP : yay it makes me so exited so cheap 60 to 70 range and it can simply fold 100 percent to 120 to 140, I like the price now
1st of the 10 trades OP : I like it so much!!! as I cut short loss and when I earn I earn really.big like 60 to 100 percent , I just loss about 5 to 10 percent max.
Fran31 : Fortune favour the Brave
Thelord : I knew a guy called Winston who listened to his broker and bought at 70, refused to sell when it shoot up to 120, now see all his gains evaporated and still holding the bag for almost 2 years
Btan : Big boys buying up Baba now….
1st of the 10 trades OP : yay u need to exit also when u know ur position is invalid based on stategy, 9027 said why i need to exit as it not touching my sl while I know the market turn down potentially big one.
exit is same important as entry so if u Don know exit ur profit will evaporated or for me the loss will become so big , so how I able to win if my losss so big to cover.
1st of the 10 trades OP : trader is like a sniper u need to enter and exit fast otherwise those with machine gun found you you died. this is analogy of counterstrike to trading.
investing is different it is like fishing so it is not like sniper we need to exit when we are wrong but fishing not really just wait until fish hooked up.
102319027 :
investors don't worry but you sell. clown sia. and then you follow up with copying what I said. 心术不正
AI Lambert JR : It' appears to be completely political. China has explicitly agreed they won't compete with US for no. 1, which means Alibaba's tech development should stop (which exactly what happened : announcement on the same day when US China meeting was concluded). It's nothing about business perfoemance. It's about what they are allowed to do & perform.
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