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it's correlated with nvda

$Vertiv Holdings(VRT.US)$ so when nvda gets fucked this gets fucked too
i say hodl for now because the selloff in semis is an overreaction
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  • luluxoxo2022 : How is this related to semi? Thanks in advance

  • Aaron Invests (AI) : Reiterate correlate to further dip when NVDA is down. This is like 1.2x to 1.5x more voilatile than NVDA

  • Aaron Invests (AI) luluxoxo2022 : Is a coolant for servers it is related to cool down semiconductors lesser semiconductor means lesser server.

  • 骠悍勇敢的尤利塞斯 : it's like a McDonald shape now. [undefined]

  • 10baggerbamm : have they finished building all the data centers that's the first question you have to ask yourself where are we relative to the completion of the data centers the answer is we're very early on in the early stages and what is the problem with data centers heat they produce a tremendous amount of heat so who provides a solution for cooling? who's going to benefit?

  • MomentumPython1337 OP 10baggerbamm : yep i own shares across nvda vrtv and smci. sold amd at the top because that shit is too volatile for my liking but i might reenter if it can hold support at 153

  • MomentumPython1337 OP 10baggerbamm : the problem with semis is too many retailers have entered and it causes a chain reaction of fud the selloffs are getting more violent

  • 10baggerbamm Aaron Invests (AI) : you're jumping to conclusions way too fast and that's typically the mistakes that are made in investing is people think because one person farts the entire room is going to stink. well there's an analogy off the top of my head and I guess it really depends on what the person ate. the point being is asml last year 2023 said the first half of 24 is going to be flat first quarter 24 they guided lower second quarter it's not a surprise it shouldn't be a surprise because the management told us. Taiwan Sammy just so happened to coincide with President Trump saying if Taiwan wants protection they're going to pay and he's made similar statements when he was president regarding the United Nations or the United States should just leave because there's people countries rather that are living off of ious they get the full voting authority the full pull but don't pay a dime and same thing with Ukraine and same thing with other countries we're defending them and what do we get back in return and Trump made it very clear multiple times not Ukraine obviously cuz there's no war going on but other countries that the US was defending what is the US get out of it. so it just so happened he said Taiwan biden's talking about imposing sanctions and limitations on technology that can be sold overseas and Taiwan Semi was releasing earnings the day that President Trump said if they want protection then they should pay. so now everybody this jumping shit because they'd rather buy small caps with flat earnings for 3 years actually they've been declining that are heavily burdened with debt at high interest rates that a quarter half of one point really isn't going to make a difference for them to try to refinance those rates there's not much of a savings to be had

  • 10baggerbamm 10baggerbamm : 20% of the Russell regional Banks I could have sworn last week there was still people saying there's going to be a catastrophic commercial real estate debacle where a trillion dollars is coming due and none of these properties have been marked the market that means valued at current prices since they have gone significantly vacant post covid which means the values are down 50 60 70 80% from what they were financed at in the regional banks have these on their books meaning massive losses but the regional Banks all traded up on anticipation of a rate cut but a week and a half ago they were toxic 2 weeks ago and then you have the biotechs within the Russell that everybody loves you know these companies that have zero revenue that are in phase One trials that have 7 to 10 years potentially before they get to human trials and approval which means multiple series of fundraising which means significant amount of dilution and maybe they don't get approval maybe they just stop operations yeah that makes a hell of a lot more sense to buy this basket of stocks then it does companies that are the 800 lb gorillas in the respective industries that are cash Rich printing money have no debt and have billions of dollars in cash reserves

  • MomentumPython1337 OP 10baggerbamm : yeah to be honest i was surprised at how much filth there was in the IWM. i only entered recently to swing the interest rate cut theme. a little bit of breadth thrust in the market should be healthy just to reset things a bit and prime it for the next run up. I'll sell my IWM when it breaks through key moving averages. i took profits on most of the mega caps last week because I'm sitting on triple digit gains there and I'm looking to rescale in but i might want to see the earnings for a bit and see which megacap has the lowest PE multiple forward and the best prospects
    tonight netflix is coming out i never really cared for netflix but it's a megacap and other people care and it sets the sentiment up for the following ones

    the selloff in TSM is rather upsetting there's also some rumors saying Japan has intelligence that China might attack Taiwan next week man I don't know if that's true but i think it's jittering people up

    edit; i can't find any article on the rumors  so i think it's just fake news going around on fintwit (twitter)

i enjoy identifying stocks with rock solid growth fundamentals that exhibit high potential for 3 digit returns