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GME tumbled after uneventful annual meeting: Is the hype fading?
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“It’s not a cigar butt, but a Roach”

Anyone know the story of how Berkshire Hathaway was started? One of the largest holding companies in the United States was a textile mill in Massachusetts. Buffet and Munger used it as a vessel to purchase more stocks as a Holding company and used their knowledge of stocks to grow their capital.
Ryan Cohen has the power to buy shares with GME’s Capital.
This is a possibility as strong as others.
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  • Blue Jets : agreed

  • Dyls : Comparing Rc to Wh is like Heaven and Hell lol. But anything can happen especially if stocks a Meme

  • J Bradley OP Dyls : I mean absolutely, Buffet just invests, RC is actually doing work .

  • Ken Griffin Charity : This is what you call a false equivalency.

    Australia was once a penal settlement in the 1800s and today the country outputs a GDP of 1.6T. Am I going to invest in Somalia just because Australia became a success story?

    Ryan Cohen is not Warren Buffett. And we know this because Buffett would never have invested millions into a crypto wallet and NFT marketplace.

    RC has done nothing for GameStop. In the 3 years since he joined the company, he failed with NFTs and crypto, and he failed with growing GameStop’s E-commerce platform. Instead, he diluted shareholders at the peak of meme hype TWICE in one month, costing hundreds if not thousands of GameStop investors a chunk of their savings.

    If he had any plan to turn GameStop around at all, don’t you think he would’ve said so in the last shareholders meeting? Instead, all he talked about was opening more stores, after he already closed dozens of them and conducted mass layoffs. The guy is completely clueless and out of his depth [undefined]

  • Dyls J Bradley OP : Rk is bigger than RC imo. Without Rk, who knows whats Gme lol

  • J Bradley OP Ken Griffin Charity : Terrible comparison of countries to stocks. You should be ashamed of that one chief.

    He didn’t say he was opening more stores, he said he was closing more to fix the income/expense ratio. GME is on a diet before it starts working out to see gains.

    No debt, flush with cash, and Ryan Cohen already owns most of his shares through his holding company, RC Holdings.

    I think a country comparison that would be better would be AMC and Somalia.

  • Ken Griffin Charity J Bradley OP : If it’s a terrible comparison, and you failed to prove your comparison of GME to BRK, then it’s your comparison that’s terrible.

    “Flush with cash” is meaningless when the company burns through nearly half a B a year with declining sales YoY. If cash on hand was the sole important metric, there wouldn’t be any need for balance sheets.

    The company’s market cap is currently sitting at 12b. Nothing you have said so far justifies that valuation, much less any potential for growth.

  • J Bradley OP Ken Griffin Charity : I’ve been anxiously waiting your reply, but you’ve taken so long I’ve become bored, and all you’ve done is said “if im wrong, you must be wrong too”.  

    If you’re going to conduct an argument with someone, please respect their time.

    I’d like the five minutes back of my life I just wasted typing this response.
