nicky6999 : Can you teach me what this is?
包小姐的养老金 OP nicky6999 : Options, share interests. Keep up and you will succeed.
nicky6999 : OK
SupersonicBee BURRY 包小姐的养老金 OP : How did you know when to enter? What time did you enter
范蠡 : Miss Bao, I would like to invite you to dinner.
包小姐的养老金 OP SupersonicBee BURRY : feeling
包小姐的养老金 OP 范蠡 : If there is fate, there will be opportunities.
nicky6999 : Can you teach me what this is?
包小姐的养老金 OP nicky6999 : Options, share interests. Keep up and you will succeed.
nicky6999 : OK
SupersonicBee BURRY 包小姐的养老金 OP : How did you know when to enter? What time did you enter
范蠡 : Miss Bao, I would like to invite you to dinner.
包小姐的养老金 OP SupersonicBee BURRY : feeling
包小姐的养老金 OP 范蠡 : If there is fate, there will be opportunities.