102973252 : And now ... from 0.815 to 0.76
104766975 102973252 : bcz a lot of esos and they are selling it
PuncakGemilang 104766975 : How can now how many they already offload?
DJnnnn : We keep pumping in because we believe in JCY prospects. Hopefully their staff don't exercise thier ESOS so soon
请不要问 : I have already left the market and bought a large number of Natgate 0270
Potato’s hello DJnnnn : You are right
102973252 : And now ... from 0.815 to 0.76
104766975 102973252 : bcz a lot of esos and they are selling it
PuncakGemilang 104766975 : How can now how many they already offload?
DJnnnn : We keep pumping in because we believe in JCY prospects. Hopefully their staff don't exercise thier ESOS so soon
请不要问 : I have already left the market and bought a large number of Natgate 0270
Potato’s hello DJnnnn : You are right