King683 : esos by boss 10k
103854938 OP King683 : Alamak, just saw
103268667 103854938 OP : what is the impact of esos to the stock? last week just esos 84k.
103854938 OP : Employee might sell the share
TheScambull92 103268667 : It can go higher
103854938 OP TheScambull92 : Ok I like this mentality
TheScambull92 103854938 OP : Easy money in superbull trend
Baginda Corp : All in today. Friday confirm 0.65
103854938 OP Baginda Corp : Let’s say today first Friday abit far
103268667 Baginda Corp : how do you confirm?
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King683 : esos by boss 10k
103854938 OP King683 : Alamak, just saw
103268667 103854938 OP : what is the impact of esos to the stock? last week just esos 84k.
103854938 OP : Employee might sell the share
TheScambull92 103268667 : It can go higher
103854938 OP TheScambull92 : Ok I like this mentality
TheScambull92 103854938 OP : Easy money in superbull trend
Baginda Corp : All in today. Friday confirm 0.65
103854938 OP Baginda Corp : Let’s say today first Friday abit far
103268667 Baginda Corp : how do you confirm?
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