make sure you are not doing the share lending turn that off it allows shorts to borrow more than the allocated amount of shares that normally allowed to short a stock if you are lending shares it's going to shorts
i don't think Moomoo allows it. webull had my set to share by default, Etrade etc other might support it. i don't think Moomoo does
EZ_money OP : volume was 1/3 yesterday tho
EZ_money OP : make sure you are not doing the share lending turn that off it allows shorts to borrow more than the allocated amount of shares that normally allowed to short a stock if you are lending shares it's going to shorts
HennHouse EZ_money OP : Where would one check for that?
Andy-Lai :
103403590 : so buy more?
Andy-Lai 103403590 : Ask yourself whether you really want to buy and trust yourself.
103403590 Andy-Lai : so meaning there are lending stock ?
Andy-Lai 103403590 : 不清楚
103403590 Andy-Lai : but its really looks like it
well see la another 10days to go
EZ_money OP HennHouse : i don't think Moomoo allows it. webull had my set to share by default, Etrade etc other might support it. i don't think Moomoo does
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