101871962 : u follow the scammer below, u will continue to see him asking u to buy
74537207 OP 101871962 : and I will ignore that scammer and will not buy these garbages, how about that?
104763659 101871962 : Believe me, once he is back, this stock going to
74537207 OP 104763659 : This stock will tank because of the sorry state of the company. Do not overestimate that guy, we are probably talking about someone who never went to college and probably lives at his parents' basement.
Andy-Lai :
101871962 : u follow the scammer below, u will continue to see him asking u to buy
74537207 OP 101871962 : and I will ignore that scammer and will not buy these garbages, how about that?
104763659 101871962 : Believe me, once he is back, this stock going to
74537207 OP 104763659 : This stock will tank because of the sorry state of the company. Do not overestimate that guy, we are probably talking about someone who never went to college and probably lives at his parents' basement.
Andy-Lai :