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Jim Cramer talks today's market bounce

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  • 10baggerbamm : Cramer is nothing more than a bobblehead on TV he refuses to admit he was wrong number one he refuses to provide any type of hedging. if you look at his darling Nvidia what is his response and you can verify this he says at nauseam own it don't trade It. that's a direct quote own it don't trade It. so what does it mean it means you bought it early January you wrote it all the way up and you wrote it all the way down and you lost virtually all of your gains. and now we're dealing with this uncertainty of Blackwell being delayed Nvidia has not made a comment on it but super micro certainly did they said supply chain issues with gpus and since their gpus come from Nvidia it's pretty transparent what they're saying.

  • 10baggerbamm : pt 2
    so Kramer provides no solution his answer is well Nvidia is in a wasteland right now and we're just going to have to wait till earnings.
    well this is as useless as tits on a bull you're a deer in the headlights if you're following his advice I don't know what to do so I'm just going to have to wait what does this mean when they announce a delay the stock is going to gap down 20 30 40% because they're going to revise earnings lower and that's a severe no no in the stock market let alone a market darling I love company they get crucified on bad news and earnings downgrades and revisions lower.
    if Blackwell is delayed because it's running hot and there's a design flaw and it's a 3-month delay which is what the rumors are circulating around it's going to cross two quarters meaning they're going to miss Q4 and q1 on a calendar year basis. so Kramer provides no advice what to do well we're just going to ride it out so you're going to risk your principal for going negative on the year you're going to lose all your profits? maybe there's no delay in it snaps back maybe it's all bullshit by some short hedge fund and the stock reverses and it's back to $130 by the end of the year.

  • 10baggerbamm : pt 3
    he's useless because he does not provide any advice on how to protect yourself. so if you're long the stock you need to hedge you need to buy puts and I proposed you by puts not on the common but on nvdu which is the 2x leveraged ETF so you will get at a lower price double the downside protection so if Nvidia does delay does guide lower, while the common stock gets hit your puts on nvdu are going to appreciate twice as much and that net you're coming out ahead. if there is no delay your puts go to zero your common goes up you increase your cost basis slightly. so this is where I differ from Kramer because I will tell people how to protect their principal and not just be the deer in the headlight well we're just going to have to wait while it's in wasteland we're going to have to hear what Jensen says because by the time he says something the Gates of hell could already be open.

  • 102 844 387 : Cramer is an idiotic clown.
