$Logistic Properties Of The Americas (LPA.US)$If you had listened to me and bought a 100 shares for $500 you could have sold those same shares less than 60 days later for $52,000. You would have made a $1000 for every day you held them. Imagine that. 🫠 Mind Blown.
Mcsnacks H Tupack
OPSalmon Klein
Very little shares and they want to convert more from outstanding shares to the free float so it's going to have a big fall.
Mcsnacks H Tupack
Sint and Tivc had news releases yesterday so could see some price swings coming. TIVC broke resistance in the aftermarket. It could open up a can of breakout see you at 2.00.
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Now buy $Tivic Health Systems (TIVC.US)$ before you regret that also.
$Sintx Technologies (SINT.US)$ is picking up buyers for a premarket jog to 13.00 also
yue6868 : how pity !
Didn't buy it,but I bought CREV and still hold it.
Do you still have it ?
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP yue6868 : Yea I'm still holding $Carbon Revolution (CREV.US)$. I average down a little at a time. I'm almost at 11.00 for my average.
Salmon Klein : how does that even happen master?
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Salmon Klein : Very little shares and they want to convert more from outstanding shares to the free float so it's going to have a big fall.
Benjamin’s Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Well I’m in sint/aisp/tivc/an a whole lot of sbfm. Average now1.01….
SniperInWood : That was guessing game or real deal?
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP SniperInWood : Real deal
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Benjamin’s : Sint and Tivc had news releases yesterday so could see some price swings coming. TIVC broke resistance in the aftermarket. It could open up a can of breakout see you at 2.00.

Wallstreet Faker : as the stock both you recommended seems good but better wait for the trend going upward when buying
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