The betting lines for the election are awesome, you can bet on ANYTHING for Tuesday’s election!! Unreal!! I might even like to be in Vegas until Wednesday morning, I don’t do casinos but I bet the vibe is lit!!!!
I try to get a mix of the polling it’s basically an estimate and has been wrong many times over. The betting markets are interesting though.
Stock_Drift : That’s the betting line, it’s always moving. FOX news says Trump 1%-2% lead_actual.
Tonyco Stock_Drift : fox news, the most reputable outlet, what has argued in court that no reasonable person would take what they say seriously?
Stock_Drift Tonyco : This is CNN. 1% give or take .05 on most stations.
Stock_Drift Tonyco : I used FOX as an example for a Republican post, it’s still 1% ish on most platforms that aren’t money lines.
LittleSoldier OP Stock_Drift : I know I just saw that, and up in the Wal street poll ! It’s awesome
Stock_Drift LittleSoldier OP : The betting lines for the election are awesome, you can bet on ANYTHING for Tuesday’s election!! Unreal!! I might even like to be in Vegas until Wednesday morning, I don’t do casinos but I bet the vibe is lit!!!!
LittleSoldier OP Stock_Drift : I try to get a mix of the polling it’s basically an estimate and has been wrong many times over. The betting markets are interesting though.
JWill1982 Stock_Drift : If Fox says its a 1-2% lead its a 5% loss
Stock_Drift JWill1982 : CNN is the same.
LittleSoldier OP Stock_Drift : I think that’s from yesterday?
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