If you're looking for an easy way to find earnings coming up, try this app. You can use moomoo to find companies as well, but this makes it easier to see for me. Earnings and options are like peas and carrots. Good luck everyone!
Sean Parker
so far, so good. I'm working on getting my garden prepped for next year. took a break to look at stock news. how is your time off going? I feel like it's been awhile since we've talked.. to busy chasing the dream lol
Sean Parker
I just found it today when I was looking for an easier way to find earnings times/dates to schedule option buys. Good luck out there!
Trytosaveabit : Yes i really like the app! I greatly thank you for the heads up and thinking of me! Hope you’re weekend is great!
Stock_Drift : It’s been helpful.
Dusters : Thanks. Appreciate it.
Sean Parker OP Trytosaveabit : so far, so good. I'm working on getting my garden prepped for next year. took a break to look at stock news. how is your time off going? I feel like it's been awhile since we've talked.. to busy chasing the dream lol
joeyboulevard : thanks!
Nidia_Girl : thank you for sharing this App , I will be definitely using this !! Appreciate it
Sean Parker OP Nidia_Girl : I just found it today when I was looking for an easier way to find earnings times/dates to schedule option buys. Good luck out there!
MonkeyGee : thanks cheers