just wanna to know what determine the stock market price to rise or plunge? sometimes I notice the outflow is way more bigger than inflow but the stock price still going up. can someone explain this.
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Fengshui? Hahahah typically I think no one is able to tell… no one got crystal ball to see the future.. so based on the technicals… trend should be formed but it’s getting overbought in trading hours now.. possible that later half that it might go down
Mystery Shopkeeper
there is big outflow today and the price is when up. compare on yesterday almost same but the price is drop. I dun understand
101569130 : metaphysics
JonSnow : Well, what you don't know, is what effect the money has. Did someone dump and someone else took it from the idiot and pushes now higher?
More concerning are those big green ones on open, cause if a lot of money flows in but price doesn't move, that is shit.
JonSnow : You always need to see context...
OceansWave 101569130 : Fengshui? Hahahah typically I think no one is able to tell… no one got crystal ball to see the future.. so based on the technicals… trend should be formed but it’s getting overbought in trading hours now.. possible that later half that it might go down
Mystery Shopkeeper OP JonSnow : there is big outflow today and the price is when up. compare on yesterday almost same but the price is drop. I dun understand
JonSnow : Also a big sale may reduce selling pressure, then only buyers are left, then stock can only go up
DannyK99 : it's actually proven that it's determined by how the stars in the sky are aligned right now
DannyK99 DannyK99 : real search it up