Republican investors spent a lot of money to boost Trump's winning rate in the gaming market, and even spent a lot of money on polling agencies' investigations. In fact, as long as you go to a Trump and Harris rally, you'll know how big the difference is, and you'll know who to elect as president.
I believe in the constitution and laws, not in God, and I am very sure that Trump only stands on his own side, can you provide an example of Trump considering others? No, not even once.
72571364 : Trump 2024
Tonyco : I don't think it will work on account of they know about Trump wanting to own them.
perfectly broke : Kamala wins I'll be empty out you're bank account
Supermandijia : Republican investors spent a lot of money to boost Trump's winning rate in the gaming market, and even spent a lot of money on polling agencies' investigations. In fact, as long as you go to a Trump and Harris rally, you'll know how big the difference is, and you'll know who to elect as president.
hechunqing69 Supermandijia : Choosing the president is not mindlessly following the crowd; it is about who is on God's side.
Hoes for Harris Tonyco : How does he want to “own them”? Please break it down for us, they/them
Mary H Poppinz Tonyco : and he will....
Supermandijia hechunqing69 : I believe in the constitution and laws, not in God, and I am very sure that Trump only stands on his own side, can you provide an example of Trump considering others? No, not even once.
消逝的武林 Supermandijia : The Communist Party of China always considers the people in everything they do.
151876437 : If the Pig Party doesn't steal the tickets, it's decided to lose!!!
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