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Chinese concept stocks collectively "heat up", is the bottom rebound becoming a reality?
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$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ if you look at the volume 238,...

$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ if you look at the volume 238,000 shares there's a lot of phony baloney bullshit that took place today I don't know how else to explain it. this volume is a year high volume I watched every trade being routed to citadel and citadel those fuckwads that short GameStop back in the day and they have shorted billions of shares short of other stock that they never cover it's packaged it's shipped overseas just like AMC you can go and read about it because they're doing the same thing to kndi. ridiculous I watch several thousand shares go off on the offer price the stock up ticks a penny then you have a hundred share sell and keep in mind there's not a single shareholder in the history of this company that is at a profit at this point. on 100 shares they down tick it several pennies. it doesn't sound like a lot but that's how the stock trades and evidently you have stop orders all the stop orders are triggered and they're picking up stock they print the stock that's sold and then they down ticket even further. and then you look at the chart today you'll see three huge spikes this is never happened before and all of the time I'm following this company look at the chart today three monster spikes out of nowhere it's almost as if they're down taking it they're covering their shorts and they're printing it for the first time and quite frankly I think they're fucking scared I think they're scared of what could happen because Chinese stocks are on a tear and people are going to go down the list of every single Chinese stock that trades in the United States and at some point they're going to look at this company here and then go holy shit their profitable they trade it less than one times revenue they have more cash than the market cap of the company they got deals with the national football League NFL and lows and other stores massive chains 300 outlets they're going to break the backs of citadel on this stock retail will do it just like it happened with GameStop
$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ if you look at the volume 238,000 shares there's a lot of phony baloney bullshit that took place today I don't know how else to ex...
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