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$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ this is my smallest holding an...

$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ this is my smallest holding and yet it's my biggest headache. every Chinese company is in rally mode they are going through the roof they're up 20 and 30% this week and they're going to go much higher. and here you have this little piece of shit company that nobody wants to touch like it's toxic.. they got more cash in the bank than the float of the whole company. they are profitable they have doubled that means 100% doubled their Us distribution this month with their deal  done with Academy sports. I'm scratching my head ( no it's not dandruff) because if you pull up a chart go back to 2010 look at the spikes that have happened out of nowhere. and now you have China stimulating their market like they have never done before. what typically happens is you have your top line stocks at rally call it tier 1 and then people go to the next level and they see what hasn't moved here too and then they go to tier 3 that's this company bottom of the barrel . completely ignored nobody's paying attention. the company bought back over 30 million worth of stock this year and they're still buying back stock. I'm so frustrated you have no idea because this is this little tiny company that if it were to get 2 million shares of buying in one day it's 10 bucks and then it's off to the races and it'll be over $20 within a couple days of trading.
I'm bidding it again this morning for 50,000 shares and my order does not get shown because the market makers are the ones that are short they have 30 days to cover that's how long it's going to take them to cover their shorts and they are going to burn they're going to have to be buying in the open market to cover just like retail
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