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$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ well let's see what tomorrow b...

$Kandi Technolgies (KNDI.US)$ well let's see what tomorrow brings I'm going to be buying more stock and a lot of options so hopefully the world recognizes this company and we get another moonshot this week
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  • 151277905 (Stozzie) : I hope so too - you should be on their marketing team😀

  • 10baggerbamm OP 151277905 (Stozzie) : oh no I have emailed the company so many times and they never respond. a long time ago I headed up marketing campaigns for startups back in 1991-92 I raised a lot of money for early round financing companies looking for seed money they call it Angel financing so I know what to say I know how to bring in the group this company should be paying for an independent analyst to write a review. there's not a single analysis rights research nobody has a price Target institutional ownership is 2.25% that is piss that's nothing. the last asshole they hired they paid him $3 million dollars stock in cash out of New York to handle investor relations he fucking sucks ass he did nothing he didn't go to any trade shows. he didn't get them on TV to do any q&A he did nothing to promote the name or The branding of the company. so it's my opinion and I don't know this for a fact but just watching how it trades every single day that this asshole at a New York is the one that has been the major net seller because unless you go back 8 -9 years everybody's at a loss right now selling and he's the only one that has free stock so there's no reason to sell at this point especially since Tapper is saying by everything in China by every company in China last week

  • 151277905 (Stozzie) : Yeah I saw that. Time will tell if he's right. You might be in for a windfall and I'll be happy to a little extra $'s👍

  • 10baggerbamm OP 151277905 (Stozzie) : I was all over Twitter telling some of the biggest option players to take a position I gave him everything that I know and obviously you're limited to what you can say so I had to go back multiple times so hopefully we see some enormous call volume come in because the guys that I messaged have responded before in the past and they're not going to buy $5,000 worth of options they're going to buy $20 k -50,000 worth of call options at a time. and then I link a lot of big investors and every blue moon in the past I'd say something and they'd respond so I did it early in the morning I know they're up at like 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. and that's when I did it so they don't get inundated with bullshit so we'll see what happens I think the Stars might be aligned I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and I'm buying more stock and I'm buying a lot of call options a lot more than what I have

  • Timmy 77 : Accept your point of view, this time I will go with you. I prefer the big boss of this parent company, a charming and inspirational person who used to be quite influential in china, keep it up👏!

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.