Ericlow6 : How many you bought at once you can sell in so many batches
韩97 : Play options like this 6
包小姐的养老金 OP Ericlow6 : 你猜呗
包小姐的养老金 OP 韩97 : Professional.
世间一凡人 : Miss Cow
包小姐的养老金 OP 世间一凡人 : I think so too
世间一凡人 包小姐的养老金 OP : My little sister is confident and skilled. Would you like to start a weekend course to teach trading skills and trading mentality?
包小姐的养老金 OP 世间一凡人 : Tuition is expensivePersuade a group of people
世间一凡人 包小姐的养老金 OP : Could you give me a price to consider?
包小姐的养老金 OP 世间一凡人 : The cost starts at $0.01 million.
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Ericlow6 : How many you bought at once you can sell in so many batches![undefined [undefined]](
韩97 : Play options like this 6
包小姐的养老金 OP Ericlow6 : 你猜呗![undefined [undefined]](
包小姐的养老金 OP 韩97 : Professional.![undefined [undefined]](
世间一凡人 : Miss Cow
包小姐的养老金 OP 世间一凡人 : I think so too![undefined [undefined]](
世间一凡人 包小姐的养老金 OP : My little sister is confident and skilled. Would you like to start a weekend course to teach trading skills and trading mentality?
包小姐的养老金 OP 世间一凡人 : Tuition is expensive![undefined [undefined]](
Persuade a group of people
世间一凡人 包小姐的养老金 OP : Could you give me a price to consider?
包小姐的养老金 OP 世间一凡人 : The cost starts at $0.01 million.![undefined [undefined]](
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