104349161 : I'd like to ask if I sell today, can I still get dividends?
102429238 OP 104349161 : Brother, I'm still studying, try asking the waiter.
104349161 102429238 OP : Okay, thank you.
PumpkinG 104349161 : You will still receive the dividend on December 23 even if you sell it today, as long as you hold the stocks before November 28.
104349161 : I'd like to ask if I sell today, can I still get dividends?
102429238 OP 104349161 : Brother, I'm still studying, try asking the waiter.
104349161 102429238 OP : Okay, thank you.
PumpkinG 104349161 : You will still receive the dividend on December 23 even if you sell it today, as long as you hold the stocks before November 28.