CoolJey : Owh no, below 10… run!!
股海无边 OP CoolJey : KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEL.......
股海无边 OP : The sky is falling...
Awenk : Joker, your performance wasn't fun, you lost your short position, did it make you even more uncomfortable? Don't go against the trend, learn to be afraid of the market
SageKit : did you kneel ?
CoolJey : Owh no, below 10… run!!
股海无边 OP CoolJey : KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEL.......
股海无边 OP : The sky is falling...
Awenk : Joker, your performance wasn't fun, you lost your short position, did it make you even more uncomfortable? Don't go against the trend, learn to be afraid of the market
SageKit : did you kneel ?