- The profit after tax expense for the current quarter includes various items such as amortisation of development cost, depreciation on property, plant and equipment, realised and unrealised foreign currency exchange gains/losses, interest income, and finance costs.
- The amortisation of development cost for the current quarter is RM 7,000.
- The depreciation on property, plant and equipment for the current quarter is RM 3,006,000.
- The realised foreign currency exchange gain for the current quarter is RM 1,047,000.
- The unrealised foreign currency exchange loss for the current quarter is RM (517,000).
- The revenue for the current quarter is RM 57.751 million, which is a decrease of 8.4% compared to the corresponding quarter last year.
- The Group's EBITDA decreased by 56.2% in the current quarter due to lower profit from operations and increased operating costs.
- The majority of the Group's revenue is contributed by Singapore, China, and the Philippines.
- The Enterprise Data Management ("EDM") Infrastructure Technology segment is the primary contributor to the Group's revenue.
- The Group has not issued any profit forecast or profit guarantee for the current quarter.
- The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards.
- There were no unusual items affecting the Group's financials.
- The Group's operations are not materially affected by seasonal or cyclical factors.
- No dividends were paid in the current quarter.
- The highest revenue was generated from Singapore and the lowest from Others.