104584776 : better sell it first, when you look at the 5 day trend, it will always drop when the market open, buy again once it drops
104865265 : defo sell
happyhippo : should sell to cut costs cuz you bought too high
subimpact : sell low buy high ? o.o
ManiArc OP happyhippo : But does selling really warrant since its only a 2 dollar difference per share tho ? Now its sitting at 3
103673461 : DCA it
104224292 : I think you need to wait Until it rise again
104224292 : Or load more
KarnafStocks : if you need this liquidity to purchase other stocks then sell. it you can wait like few months I think you gonna double profit around 80% kulr is undervalued at the moment
ManiArc OP KarnafStocks : Aite I’ll take your word for it brudda
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104584776 : better sell it first, when you look at the 5 day trend, it will always drop when the market open, buy again once it drops
104865265 : defo sell
happyhippo : should sell to cut costs cuz you bought too high
subimpact : sell low buy high ? o.o
ManiArc OP happyhippo : But does selling really warrant since its only a 2 dollar difference per share tho ? Now its sitting at 3
103673461 : DCA it
104224292 : I think you need to wait Until it rise again
104224292 : Or load more
KarnafStocks : if you need this liquidity to purchase other stocks then sell. it you can wait like few months I think you gonna double profit around 80%
kulr is undervalued at the moment
ManiArc OP KarnafStocks : Aite I’ll take your word for it brudda
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