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Lack of ammunition, must exercise patience to maintain a safe distance before shooting **Wednesday** focusing on capturing large mahi-mahi.

Lack of ammunition, it is even more important to patiently hold the safe distance before shooting.


In the future, combine long-term regular investment in index within a safe range leverage, along with leveraged bullish stocks (preferably chip stocks), because it is really too busy to easily juggle individual stocks. The regret this Wednesday was missing the opportunity to focus on catching big mahi-mahi during the fishing season, ending up with a bunch of small fish, acting like a clown entertaining oneself?

**After closing data:**

- **TSM**: 41.42@179/187.75 Global view 166-176.5, 183-191 range, looking to break 200, expecting a 24% annual increase for the year. This strong stock ignores bearish selling pressure and instead rises against it. I really shouldn't have sold so much to seek safety, should have sold lightly, selling too much will reduce the moat advantage and pose another kind of danger.
- **AVGO**: 49.95@174.5/186, Global view 168-176, 179-184, 13% monthly increase in October.
- **PLTR**: Bullish stance 18.65@39.6/43.3. Note to prepare for small leverage on the to-do list.
SPY: TODO observe how it behaves after 178 (difficult to judge currently) by the veteran driver of the US stock market.
QQQ: 493, 495 are dual resistance lines which are difficult to break directly. Speculating on a decline, TODO watch for opportunities to buy low by the veteran driver. If breakthrough occurs, target 495-500.
NVDA: Showing signs of a gold pit trend, hoping for a slight dip to form a base before rising to 135. Prepare to increase position if it falls.
TSLA: Can enter at 240, waiting for the opportunity to fish off the bottom.
AVGO: Moo offers solutions. The veteran driver also suggests boarding (clear climbing in the trendlines range). Leveraged trading with single hand has been arranged.
IMW: With a significant MACD bottom, opportunities for uptrend in the blue and green zones are high. Prepare to increase position, target 220-222. TODO be ready for TNA.
SOXL: From 38.6, anticipating a rise to 40. Plan to increase position by the same amount +13.
MSTR: Showing signs of a gold pit, gold cross, and in the blue zone with double green zone. Board here at 188.
- **Google**: Waiting for an opportunity to increase positions.

OXY MS is a safe haven for the Middle East conflict stock crisis.


This is a humorous stock trading diary! Every novice will have such moments, but remember, each mistake is a learning opportunity. Continue to stay optimistic and patient, and your investment journey will be smoother! 💪


**Links and Titles**

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[2] Why TSM Stock Remains a Top Buy in 2024 Despite the incredible ...
[3] Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM) Stock Forecast & Price ...
[4] TSM Stock on the Rise: Is Taiwan Semiconductor About to Skyrocket?
[5] TSMC stock price prediction for 2024, 2025, 2026-2028.
[6] TSMC stock price forecast for tomorrow, the week, 2024, 2025 ...
[7] TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd Stock Forecast ...
[8] Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSM).
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  • InGodITrust OP : Here is the diary written by the author as a novice investor. Please do not delete anything, and add content in accordance with the author's humorous style, ending with words of encouragement. Also, include links with titles at the end of the text.
    Lack of ammunition, must exercise patience and maintain a safe distance before shooting.

    In the future, I will consistently make regular investment in indices combined with leveraged positions within a safe range, along with leveraged bullish stocks (preferably chip stocks). It's just too busy to focus on individual stocks easily distracting from overall goals. This Wednesday, it's a pity that instead of focusing on catching groupers, I ended up playing around with a bunch of small miscellaneous fish, am I turning into a clown amusing myself?

    Closing data:
    TSM 41.42@179/187.75, Global view 166-176.5, 183-191 range, expecting a breakthrough of 200, with a projected annual increase of 24% for the year. This robust stock defied the bearish trend by rising inversely, I shouldn't have sold so many and instead of play it safe, I should have sold lightly, selling too much will reduce the moat advantage and pose a different kind of risk.
    The global view states that avgo 49.95@174.5/186, global view 168-176, 179-184, with a 13% increase in October.
    pltr bullish pattern 18.65@39.6/43.3. Note to prepare a small leveraged position.
    Below are the insights from experienced traders:
    SPY waiting to see after 178 (currently difficult to judge) by veteran U.S. traders.
    qqq 493, 495 faces strong dual resistance, breaking through directly seems difficult, guessing a downturn, pay attention to buying at low levels, as said by seasoned traders, if breakthrough, target is set at 495-500.
    nvda has a gold mine trend, hoping for a small drop to serve as a base before rising to 135. Prepare to add positions if a drop occurs.
    tsla 240 can get on the train, waiting for an opportunity to catch the moon under the sea.
    AVGO provides the answer in rsp. Veteran traders also recommend getting in (clearly climbing within trendlines range). Leveraging has already been arranged.
    IMW there's a big bottom indicated by MACD signals, high chances of upward movement, get ready to add positions, target at 220-222, prepare for TNA.
    SOXL from 38.6, call is up to 40, plan to add positions equally, up by 13.
    MSTR with a gold mine trend and a golden cross, entering the blue zone on a double green area, hop on at 188.
    google waiting for additional positions.

    OXY MS is a safe haven amidst Middle East conflict-induced stock market turbulence.

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