73806931 : it was over a dollar last week and the options volume looks good
nkimin : huh was there an announcement for RS? No announcement so far.
Dannywl : Any screenshot? I didn't know about this news
james mills7 : we dont need that. all we need it to hold and wait. absolute worse case a reverse split brings us back to compliance, and i would bet we get good news on the next earnings report
The Big Lebowski :
FF-Rise : are you making false information? didn't see RS news anywhere
The Big Lebowski : June 25th that's 15 trading days left.
OptionsKing james mills7 : good news, how? no guidance or delivery
Oldsmobiles : This is old news. Stop spreading rumor. NASDAQ has granted ffie extended stay of suspension. Search it on Google.
73806931 : it was over a dollar last week and the options volume looks good
nkimin : huh was there an announcement for RS? No announcement so far.
Dannywl : Any screenshot? I didn't know about this news
james mills7 : we dont need that. all we need it to hold and wait. absolute worse case a reverse split brings us back to compliance, and i would bet we get good news on the next earnings report
The Big Lebowski :
FF-Rise : are you making false information? didn't see RS news anywhere
The Big Lebowski : June 25th that's 15 trading days left.
OptionsKing james mills7 : good news, how? no guidance or delivery
Oldsmobiles : This is old news. Stop spreading rumor. NASDAQ has granted ffie extended stay of suspension. Search it on Google.