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Learning a whole new world!

I really cant see any reason this wont go back to at least 30 in the near future. Not saying next week or anything but its been way over sold. They have to much history as a tech learder to just go away. Options for this are pretty cheap right now because of how low the price has dropped. The option i bought was, at one point 880 dollars, and i got it for 65. I scanned through all the strike prices between 22-29 and this was the cheapest one with the most potential gain i think (I really dont know, as i said, i am new to options). I still dont have money to exercise this for 100 shares but thats okay because i can just sell the rights. After i get more experience with trading ill try out a straddle or strangle strat. It really blows my mind how many different ways there is to make money here.
I hope you all have a great weekend and do some studying for monday!
Learning a whole new world!
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  • 151798759 : I never traded in Options but totally agree about the company potential you stated. The market has got it totally wrong; companies of such Strategic Importance to a country don't go down that easy. It will be back to 30 and more may be within this year itself.

  • Sean Parker OP 151798759 : Yeah one thing to think is even with bad news they are still trying to make new things and most likey are about to release something. i dont know that for sure but every company like theres has billions in R&D constanly to make better things. they are to established to go away, i could see them maybe being bought out but that wouldnt be bad either i dont think. you should really look into options. the profitability of them is really insane. the price increases way faster and if the stock price goes down a little, usually the option wont lose value. if you like learning new things this should be a whole weekend project for you lol. i learn something about them everyday.

I love to study companies and Candle Stick formations. My goal is to become a full-time trader.