T-24Century : 2+?
72679295 : Possible 3?
Trytosaveabit OP T-24Century : Gotta see more volume before I decide where it’s maybe headed?
Trytosaveabit OP T-24Century : Break 2.45? 2.75 may be on deck?
T-24Century Trytosaveabit OP : watching GL!
T-24Century : fkn ss trap ?
Trytosaveabit OP T-24Century : Lookin like it? Volume took a nose dive
T-24Century : waiting at open
T-24Century : 2+?
72679295 : Possible 3?
Trytosaveabit OP T-24Century : Gotta see more volume before I decide where it’s maybe headed?
Trytosaveabit OP T-24Century : Break 2.45? 2.75 may be on deck?
T-24Century Trytosaveabit OP : watching
T-24Century :
fkn ss trap ?
Trytosaveabit OP T-24Century : Lookin like it? Volume took a nose dive
T-24Century : waiting at open