The series of investment frauds, including Yoshitaka Kitao, Risa Matsumoto, Kiyoshi Kimura, and Akiko Takahashi, the posters on LINE are all in cahoots, mostly claiming that Tiktok is full of lies!
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I messaged with Aiko Takahashi on LINE. It was mentioned that she is Horiemon's assistant, and they talked about getting rich together. I saw how lively the group LINE was. I didn't participate, but their guidance was very skillful, so I felt it could be dangerous.
パーマン6号 : Yes.
All lies
Of course, fake name
パーマン6号 パーマン6号 : Please show me your identification card.
I will absolutely not show it.
シゲピン : I messaged with Aiko Takahashi on LINE. It was mentioned that she is Horiemon's assistant, and they talked about getting rich together. I saw how lively the group LINE was. I didn't participate, but their guidance was very skillful, so I felt it could be dangerous.
Apple1188 : Disaster scam