103014847 : Give you opportunities to buy more. This guy gives good dividend returns
102944919 : I got this from IPO. Paper loss . Dividend earned not enough to cover.
103014847 102944919 : You didn’t buy more when it was unfairly low?
102918195 102944919 : will go up very soon
102944919 : I dare not average down cos high gearing. I am looking at MIT . So far this one no drop in yield. Coming result shall see
Azzvia OP 102944919 : Keep dropping. So sad. I also no dare to DCA anymore
103014847 : Give you opportunities to buy more. This guy gives good dividend returns
102944919 : I got this from IPO. Paper loss . Dividend earned not enough to cover.
103014847 102944919 : You didn’t buy more when it was unfairly low?
102918195 102944919 : will go up very soon
102944919 : I dare not average down cos high gearing. I am looking at MIT . So far this one no drop in yield. Coming result shall see
Azzvia OP 102944919 : Keep dropping. So sad. I also no dare to DCA anymore