-- 112.690 TSLA
-- 262.670 AVGO
-- 194.960 GRRR
Gorilla Technology
-- 28.410 PLTR
-- 84.910 We recognize that our security price performance and securityholder returns have been poor as we have faced structural challenges and a prolonged market downturn. We need to take significant action at an accelerated pace to deliver value for our securityholders, capital partners and customers.
It has massively underperformed almost any comparator company you can think of…It’s the kind of performance that needs to change.
We estimate potential for the share to re-rate to about $8 per share on successful execution of asset sales. However, the complex nature of closing out of businesses will lead to investors being cautious near term.
102188459 : Great
34mish : signsof challenging times ahead
PAUL BIN ANTHONY : not for me not for your this learn to young children and your family for future use some touch up next to the world with this tq God bless All rights reserved privacy Amen