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Lesser than my initial placement

hi i’m new here. understand from previous chat that the reinvestment issued yesterday. but why is it still less than the total amount I have put in from initial. does that mean i’m in loss?
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  • 103772667 : Me too. Was credited div. on 29-11-24 but still negative.

  • Losing Screw : Check your fund transaction detail. The "missing money" is credited to your cash account in the form of dividend, which is more.

  • 102177095 OP Losing Screw : Oh, thanks for that info.

  • MoneyMiniMoneyMore Losing Screw : I would like to know why so many ppl claims that the capital still remains negative even after add on the dividend? If cash plus cannot protect our initial capital, seems TnG is the better choice at least our capital is protected and they provide 3.5%/pa too

  • Losing Screw MoneyMiniMoneyMore : The earning never go to lost. In fact the dividend works like stock exchange. Company distribute dividend to your cash account, and stock price will reduce on the ex date, that's why it seems like losing money every end of month but in fact it's not. Yes one may choose other MMF with less frequent or non dividend distribution if they don't like the dividend concept.

    Anyway, I only park my money here for IPO and buying stock. Could just get fixed D or boostbank saving jar for lower risk management because those offer more than 3% interest and with PIDM protection.

  • MoneyMiniMoneyMore Losing Screw : Thank you for your sharing. I’m still a rookie in this, just try to figure it out how does mmf works, and our principal’s security. Do you mean usually the dividend can covered the principal loss, respectively?

  • Losing Screw MoneyMiniMoneyMore : I never encountered losses on this mmf yet. Normally their NAV drop on 25 of each month and that's the ex date i guess. I never put in money on 24 so I'm not really sure what would happen but it theoretically it should not causes loses. Eastspring and united money has lower dividend payout. You may try on them to avoid confusion if you park your money for very short term.
