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Let's filter AI and semiconductors by experts called bubbles!

Who are youAI and semiconductor sectorWhat do you think about it?
Of course, it's a market price for each, and I don't know the correct answer.
However, experts who continue to say that the AI/semiconductor sector is in a bubble or overheated too muchIt is not a reference for long-term investments; it is better to avoid itI'm thinking. This is clearly trending.
95% of experts who continue to say that the AI/semiconductor sector is in a bubble or too overheated are “former financial institution graduates”It is.
In the first place, experts appearing on radio and television are either former financial graduates, or they are all active financial employees, so it's natural to say that it's natural. Also, there are no 5% experts who specialize in research and benchmarking the AI or semiconductor sector, and other expertsI'm looking at the AI and semiconductor sector from “financial common sense”
That's why it doesn't hit.
This is true even when it comes to bitcoins. It can only be seen as a virtual currency, and I don't know the significance of the blockchain technology that is based on it, the future it envisions, or its possibilities. I haven't really studied the possibilities of a distributed processing world that can be realized by this, such as Ether, which implements smart contracts.
There was simply an outflow of funds of 10 billion dollars, and it was a bubble! Or, they are now blaming themselves by saying that digital coins that don't generate interest have no value, or that they are magical coins, etc.
The same goes for generative AI.
What's amazing, what kind of paradigm shifts are likely to occur, and how many new markets will be created due to technological innovation
Financial experts don't understand it at all. I haven't studied, so I'm less than an amateur in this field.

butI have to explain it in the media, so I'll explain it with a financial approachI will.
That's why they say it's expensive, it's a bubble, just because of the facts we know now.
ChatGPT came out in 22/11, and the AI/semiconductor sector skyrocketed. The first AI bubble and season will arrive in February '23. Furthermore, it also skyrocketed in 23/5, and this is the second AI bubble. In both of these, the sector exploded due to NVidia's financial results.
It's obvious at a glance even on the SOX chart.
Let's filter AI and semiconductors by experts called bubbles!
And expectations were too high and sluggish due to nVidia's financial results for 23/8, look! There was a bubble, wasn't it! It was a time when financial experts looked dazed. However, there was a sharp reversal from the end of 23/10, when the trend of rising interest rates and rising inflation subsided, and there was a furious rise.
Recently, it began to decline from the beginning of March '24, and from where it fell slightly less than 18% from a temporary high, it has quickly returned to 8%.
And then there's the first bubble! +63.7% from the period until today. It has jumped 1.6 times in just 14 months.
I'm amazed to hear the bubble.
I'm not an expert, so I don't know the essence of how amazing generative AI is. So what you should rely on is not a financial analyst, but a tech expert. Also, you have to be familiar with investments.
Unfortunately, there are no performers like this on Radio NIKKEI, TV East BIZ, Nikkei CNBC, or on investment YouTube. Experts who only know about stock prices and monetary policy are explaining it, so they only say blatant things.
I'm talking everywhere that semiconductors are not a stock genre or sector, and that they should be held as a single asset, and I'm putting that into practice. Of course, if you look at it as a whole, it's still a small amount. I'm putting it in little by little without being impatient.
Generative AI is the second paradigm shift in humanity after the internetIt's been said, and I think so too. I think it will be a bigger wave than the advent of the internet. And to do that, we need an incredible amount of semiconductors.
I'm not talking about the immediate level of silicon cycles, mobile phone shipments being sluggish, or semiconductor inventories.
The semiconductor ceiling has been attached, so it's another value investment... it's about 1 month away.

Of course, there's no need to force yourself to buy when the stock price is high, but I don't know if it's high now.
It's clear if you look at the SOX chart as shown in the chart above. It continues to be said that it's a bubble and that it's expensive every time, but if you look at it over a span of 3 or 5 years, it has doubled.
You don't have to deal with the ignorance of financial experts.
I'm even thinking that experts who are negative about AI, semiconductors, and virtual currency should be cut in the future. It's an old age level.
So, when it comes to whether there are people who can be helpful... then that's not the case.
The most reliable tech expert and investor is “Nakajima Satoshi.”
He is an engineer from Microsoft who is still active today. It boasts top class recognition among engineers, and the content is amazing.
If you want to invest in the future of AI, semiconductors, and virtual currency and obtain large assets 5 to 10 years from now, then at least investing in the semiconductor sector is essential. But they explain “it's essential” and “this kind of future is coming from now on” in easy-to-understand text, so you can feel it.
Again, you should invest with minimal knowledge about what kind of generative AI+blockchain (virtual currency) will change the world in the future. The semiconductor market that supports this will also continue to grow.
I don't know about generative AI or semiconductors, so I'm studying with Nakajima-san's e-mail magazine.
However, I have over 20 years of experience as a web producer, and I spent the last 5 years seriously working on blockchain and the WEB3 business. So I know more about blockchain than the general public. I was involved in it as a business.
Then, I got information from Nakajima-san and various tech experts, and I was amazed at the future brought about by generative AI+WEB3.
That's why we are confidently incorporating AI-related and semiconductor-related products into our portfolio.
Those of you who are interested even a little bit and wonder if the AI and semiconductor sectors are essential to your portfolio after all!
First, let's search for tech expert sources.
Nakajima-san's e-mail newsletter is easy and I recommend it.
This isn't Affi! (lol)
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