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Let's keep a close eye on the 4/2 market!

I'm writing this on 4/2 11:45. It's lunch break.
Today's draw position has become important.
First, futures fell sharply to the point where they broke through 39,900. It was expensive in the morning and went up to 40,190 yen, but it went down to 39850 yen from there.
Not even half of what was lowered yesterday has returned, the upper price is still heavy, and the upper price devaluation from 3/22 has not stopped. If it goes down, purchases are still in, but it's clearly not what it used to be.
That said, Nikkei VI hasn't risen much today in spite of a 340 yen drop from 40190 yen, and it's still negative compared to the previous day.
As long as there hasn't been a fall that makes this pawn jump up, they're probably still just getting along with the push and fall on the supply and demand side.
However, if the intended external sales pressure becomes stronger, the escape in the direction of high prices accelerates, so there are cases where it drops drastically once.
The best way to determine this is a chart called Breakpoint. This suggested an upper and lower breakpoint from 2 days ago.
The top is 40760 yen, and the bottom is 39,790 yen. The one that falls out will gain momentum. It's close to the lower point now, so be careful if 39790 yen is subtracted from the closing price, it will be one step lower. If you leave this position, Nikkei VI will probably also exceed 20 and there will be a slight sense of alarm.
Last time 2/8 passed this breakpoint to the top and became a major uptrend.
This chart works quite a bit, so if you master it, it will be easier to take the starting point of a trend.
Let's keep a close eye on the 4/2 market!
Let's keep a close eye on the 4/2 market!
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