The Board of Directors of Ley Choon Group Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company’s subsidiaries, Teacly (S) Pte Ltd and Chin Kuan Engineering and Contractors Pte Ltd, have successfully secured contracts worth approximately S$6.3 million in aggregate for the supply, laying and maintenance of underground utilities pipelines (the “Contracts”).
The Contracts are expected to be completed within approximately 24 to 36 months. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Contracts are expected to progressively contribute to the Group’s financial performance after the commencement of the Contracts.
None of the Directors or controlling shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contracts save for their respective shareholding interests in the Company.
Toh Choo Huat
Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
14 September 2023
Power Ranger 股神 OP : Estimate 13 percent profit margin around 700k profit margin
Tomorrow Chiong!
101672403 Power Ranger 股神 OP : Any idea or advice why the share not go up ya ?
101827066 101672403 : High chance, last two weeks price has already factor in this news. If not, really cannot explain why there is a sudden up shoot up from 30 plus to 50 plus, BB comes in for a reason...