At a strategic meeting last autumn, Li Xiang, the director of Li Auto, announced that 'by 2024, we aim to be the absolute leader in smart driving.' At the same time, Li Auto is aggressively recruiting smart driving talents within the industry, especially those who like to move from Huawei's Car BU, and the annual salary package can double directly.
10baggerbamm : I have many friends that own Teslas and they routinely drive with no human intervention at all. right Tesla's have billions of Miles accumulated and Blackwell is going to catapult their technology light years ahead and that's what no one is talking about because Blackwell incorporates video. all of the experiences that are caught on cameras every time you drive down the road are part of the learning curve for a Tesla to achieve FSD. I read as much as I can difference opinions people that are experts in the field regular Joe investors that have experience behind the wheel of different vehicles and if lidar is superior right now to Tesla it's going to be leapfrogged this up and coming year exponentially. it's going to go parabolic Tesla's use of Blackwell because of the video because of their Superior AI their data collection is going to take everything that happens and in millions of a second determine corrective course of action far quicker than a human. so if lidar right now has a slight edge it's going to become abundantly clear that within a year of today it's way behind the curve of technology evolution.