Steve_0600 : This stock is not shortable
Tarzanman™ OP Steve_0600 : yes I got some shares
Steve_0600 Tarzanman™ OP : How come? Moomoo replied the stock is not available to short even shorting 10 shares.
Tarzanman™ OP Steve_0600 : prb none now but I got 1000 to short keep checkn
Steve_0600 Tarzanman™ OP : Good for you
Steve_0600 : This stock is not shortable
Tarzanman™ OP Steve_0600 : yes I got some shares
Steve_0600 Tarzanman™ OP : How come? Moomoo replied the stock is not available to short even shorting 10 shares.
Tarzanman™ OP Steve_0600 : prb none now but I got 1000 to short keep checkn
Steve_0600 Tarzanman™ OP : Good for you