ANLY & TRMD are the places to be.. The more ahares youve got inem, the larger your yield if youve gotten in at a reasonable price.. <18.75 for NLY and <27.45 on TRMD and youll probabaly be in a pretty nice position to withstand the volatility. Butremember, as long as you’re in the stock, assuming the payouts are consiatent, your getting the same payout amount amount based on your entry price. its great when it works.
Jimmy1819 : Thank you very much for your input and advice. I've new at this but my new job freed up some money. I've been chasing dividend payouts and I picked NLY , ORC and AGNC. 2 monthly and 2 annual that I'm wanting to build up to 20k and then go from there. I also picked up Phizer. I welcome any advice and I thank you again.
Crypto Angel : Take a look at EC the dividend is quarterly