You should independently assess and conduct your own investigation of the relevance, accuracy, adequacy and reliability of any information, opinion or estimates, graphs, charts, formulae or devices provided and seek professional advice on them. Any information, opinions, estimates, graphs, charts, formulae or devices provided are subject to change or correction without notice and are not to be relied on as advice. No warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any loss arising directly or indirectly as a result of you acting on such information. The ETF may, where permitted by the Prospectus, invest in financial derivative instruments for hedging or for the purposes of efficient portfolio management.The ETF's net asset value may have higher volatility as a result of its narrower investment focus on a limited geographical market, when compared to funds investing in global or wider regional markets. LGI, its related companies, their directors and/or employees may hold units of the ETF and be engaged in purchasing or selling units of the ETF for themselves or their clients.
Moomoo SG : A new way to invest in Japan!!
费北敬 : get ready standby
xiaomitu : HypeAA
brave Axolotl_8380 : wow, what an insightful article, cant wait to give you my money!!!
•SE7EN• brave Axolotl_8380 : Have you subscribe?
love apple •SE7EN• : Same question ️
•SE7EN• love apple : Nope, I didn't subscribe.
Anastasia102284126 : Interesting
Rexon Capital : I read it all and still did not find a reason to invest in this ETF. They expect us to subscribe based on their experience (historical performance?) and AI (proprietary does not mean anything). Not worth to put money here
102878955 : Cheaper that Unit Trust
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