102535288 : how to read this trade?
waltzlol 102535288 : he basically has to buy it at 48 after Dec 20 if the price does not recover above that.
mzZephyr : never sell naked…
102535288 waltzlol : thanks. I thought options are traded in whole number, why is the size 3.92k? or is this a stock trade?
waltzlol : they are sold in lots. in this case 1430 lots. which is 143000 shares. ;)
102535288 waltzlol : these traders are in a different league, I only trade in 10s of lots for this stock. thanks for your explanation bro!
102535288 : how to read this trade?
waltzlol 102535288 : he basically has to buy it at 48 after Dec 20 if the price does not recover above that.
mzZephyr : never sell naked…
102535288 waltzlol : thanks. I thought options are traded in whole number, why is the size 3.92k? or is this a stock trade?
waltzlol : they are sold in lots. in this case 1430 lots. which is 143000 shares. ;)
102535288 waltzlol : these traders are in a different league, I only trade in 10s of lots for this stock. thanks for your explanation bro!