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longer term play

$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ in my view, nio has focus too much on quality and customer experience. nio is recognised as the most quality focus chinese ev and after sales and brand loyalty is  the highest. i suspect china may not be the right market for this and going into middle east might be the answer. but this will take time to show. i think byd cars being practical, useful and cheap are the reason it is dominating the market. li bin probably knows this but does not seem like a easy solution anywhere. thoughts?
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  • nanioohlala OP : i am looking to open a small position today for now depending on the price movement, was looking for a hold and see but see where this will bring me. li auto earnings might move other shares but no idea how this will turn out

  • nanioohlala OP nanioohlala OP : production is slower than other ev co like xpeng as they do extensive testing and quality checks. but it does not seem like they can properly charge a good premium for this in china given so manh price cuts and discounts by other car co. li bin needs to do sth either ramp up onvo in china or export more of the nio cars overseas where a higher premium could be implemented

  • bullbearnme : It start with wrong strategy and the main problem is the operational cost in billions will bring down NIO faster than other mainland China EV. China steep competition with more than 20 EV brands will make it very tough to compete. Middle East is stronghold or Tesla (EV) and branded sport car. Nobody will drive NIO as luxury car there, the rich is very concern over brand name. That is why we always had head of building brand. NIO is not in the list of Rich community as luxury brand. It is wrong strategy, the same as people say, when you didnt learn how to walk but you try to run. That is what NIO is doing

  • bullbearnme : If NIO still keep spending without a good result, it will file Chapter 11 soon. It is all about business strategy

  • 74216494 : ... middle east might be the answer .... No. For example, the UAE has a population of just about 10% of Germanies. With similar average income. NIOs CEO, "The Leading ZERO" spent money like crazy, i.e. for French vineyard or empty NIO houses in Europe. Or development of mobile phone. Instead of developing cars, people want to buy. Look at XIAOMI. ANd compare its success with the initial hype of the ET5. Which looks boring, compared to the sexy SU7. Building or buying factory in EU would avoid new import tariffs, like other Chinese EV-corps do, but NIO has no money for it. NIO has great tech, but terrible top management. To be fired.

  • nanioohlala OP bullbearnme : they also do not do sales dealership and try to sell via nio houses and online. its odd as those sales staff are magicians, can talk people into buying cars. i agree will be a tough nut to crack in middle east but beats being in china where they do not have the right product. tesla is considered cheap isnt it, in middle east it is exp and premium?

  • nanioohlala OP 74216494 : what is leading zero? yeah and the xiaomi car looks good and charged cheaper. i think nio should just do what is relevant in the market. UAE they are working with someone based there and i suspect they would have better traction. i dont think they have similar average income right? i always thought they have lot of ferraris and lambo lol

  • bullbearnme : Jan-Sept 2024. NIO only exported 1083 cars out of China.  Show us the real value for spending billions usd operations cost. https://cnevpost.com/2024/10/19/nio-exports-1083-cars-jan-sept-2024/

  • nanioohlala OP bullbearnme : honestly i am not too sure where are they spending it on. eps was -0.04 on q3 2023 and then it was very large afterwards. i suspect it was the cost of the jac nio factory purchase but likely this would be longer term cost saving. im just trading this stock

  • nanioohlala OP : just opened a small position at 5.48 and looking to see where this will bring me thats all. at least until the earnings date. not a whale or anything and i dont think people trade on opinions here. a number of calls will expire on 1st nov so more volatility these few days. be careful everyone
