小泰啦 : Lol
绿海 OP 小泰啦 : hello my friend what you buy todayima go to your side
Rasel1 : You are not alone..
绿海 OP Rasel1 : broooooooooo
Edward Wong 88 : no worry just keep it for long investment. target price $10
Daight : you can try hovr and wait raise to 0.9 to $1 or trnr and wait rise to 0.9 to $4.
小泰啦 绿海 OP : tks but no tks!
小泰啦 : Lol
绿海 OP 小泰啦 : hello my friend
what you buy today
ima go to your side
Rasel1 : You are not alone..
绿海 OP Rasel1 : broooooooooo
Edward Wong 88 : no worry just keep it for long investment. target price $10
Daight : you can try hovr and wait raise to 0.9 to $1 or trnr and wait rise to 0.9 to $4.
小泰啦 绿海 OP : tks but no tks!