Looking for $517.60 now on QQQ (TODAY)…… grabbed a QQQ 1/17 expiration $517 strike PUT. Good prices right now, put premiums low after nonstop rally today
OPintuitive jackal
Thanks……once u have enough practice, these things coming second nature ….and really are pretty simple once u understand them
intuitive jackal : good job
RIPPER OP intuitive jackal : Thanks……once u have enough practice, these things coming second nature ….and really are pretty simple once u understand them
RIPPER OP intuitive jackal : Nailed it and out
TokenSleep : What are you thinking for Monday?
RIPPER OP TokenSleep : No crystal ball here…… only day by day…..ESPECIALLY in this current environment where each and every day is either ONE OPPOSITE OR THE OTHER.$CBOE Volatility S&P 500 Index (.VIX.US)$
RIPPER OP TokenSleep : This likely to occur in meantime