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  • 152398743 : Calling this guy out. I subscribed to Options strength viewer, and aside from being a buggy, and practically unusable piece of s***oftware. They go to trouble to make it almost impossible to unsubscribe from their service.

    Account page uses a foreground HTML element to stop clicks to the subscription management widgets from working. I'm a developer, and it was easy enough for me to remove the element and unsubscribe, but for others, I hope they subscribed with PayPal and not a credit card number.

    I bought this service in good faith, filed a support ticket because of its many usability issues, and resource utilisation issues but received no response. I emailed their support address, again no response.
    I looked into the client side code running in my browser and it is awful. Honestly, it looks like it was generated by AI, or made with a "Make a web site without writing code wizard".
    It's data is limited to a few stocks, and may as well be random.
    There is no documentation examining what any of the numbers mean beyond saying "Big number on left means bullish, big number on right means bearish".
    The website has a bug when used on a computer (not a phone or iPad) that when you open a drop-down menu, the app thinks you're dragging the main window with a touch gesture, and moves it around with your mouse pointer.
    The app has a huge image of what looks like counters, but they don't do anything, and always just display a static image of zero, this is reloaded constantly, wasting CPU and bandwidth. Maybe this feature is not finished.

    Don't like my post? then reply to your fu*king support tickets. 🖕

all you really need is optionstrengthviewer.com