Trying to do better : Hi, do you mind to share you thoughts why you are interested to add more on these two, thanks
Stevechoy : How many matrix stock ur holding to get rm 500?
FIRE W Stevechoy : Mr. Dividend Magic is holding probably 20,000 unit of Matrix. Based on the dividend declared by Matrix at RM 0.025 x 20,000 = RM 500
Dividend Magic OP Stevechoy : Sorry I missed the comment! But yes as FIRE W mentioned, it is 20,000 units. Just work backwards
Dividend Magic OP FIRE W : Thank u sir! Exactly 20,000
Dividend Magic OP Trying to do better : Solid companies, dividends
FIRE W Dividend Magic OP : Couldn't agree more
Trying to do better : Hi, do you mind to share you thoughts why you are interested to add more on these two, thanks
Stevechoy : How many matrix stock ur holding to get rm 500?
FIRE W Stevechoy : Mr. Dividend Magic is holding probably 20,000 unit of Matrix. Based on the dividend declared by Matrix at RM 0.025 x 20,000 = RM 500
Dividend Magic OP Stevechoy : Sorry I missed the comment! But yes as FIRE W mentioned, it is 20,000 units. Just work backwards
Dividend Magic OP FIRE W : Thank u sir! Exactly 20,000
Dividend Magic OP Trying to do better : Solid companies, dividends
FIRE W Dividend Magic OP : Couldn't agree more