kritiA2022 : how does this work what does it show?
Stock_Drift OP kritiA2022 : Look at the gray bar across the top. Its lists each of what it is.
kritiA2022 : so the darker green means it will go up lite green means medium high and red means down?
Stock_Drift OP kritiA2022 : No, it’s a live ticker, it’s just changing as the market price goes up or down.
kritiA2022 : how does this work what does it show?
Stock_Drift OP kritiA2022 : Look at the gray bar across the top. Its lists each of what it is.
kritiA2022 : so the darker green means it will go up lite green means medium high and red means down?
Stock_Drift OP kritiA2022 : No, it’s a live ticker, it’s just changing as the market price goes up or down.