pray tonight. Let's all pray for that ticker change..doesn't matter what God we believe in...pray to the universe , I really feel that we are going to have a new ticker this week... I believe
It does matter. There is only one God .the God head Father Son and Holy Ghost.He says that in the bible. There is no other beside me.You are either filled with the holy ghost or by the demons and his cohorts. Dont be fooled. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. There is no other god that has lived our life and suffered with us so we can have an intimate relationship with him. Buddha avoids suffering ,allah wants you to die for him, yet Jesus came and died for you so that you can have life more abundantly
Buddha said he wouldn't want a world without suffering, and Allah does not want you to die for him. Check ur facts, let people believe what they want
Yes the road to hell is wide and very traveled upon. The straight and narrow path is the road i am on. The people may believe what they may. You who hear the words and do not obey and lead others to destruction will have a sad fate. Let every man reason in his own mind. But the only way to life everlasting is through Jesus. He is returning soon. My facts are correct and you who has no knowledge of these things and has not searched the scriptures are in grave danger.
Tatae2023 : pray tonight. Let's all pray for that ticker change..doesn't matter what God we believe in...pray to the universe
, I really feel that we are going to have a new ticker this week... I believe 
Slug Tatae2023 : It does matter. There is only one God .the God head Father Son and Holy Ghost.He says that in the bible. There is no other beside me.You are either filled with the holy ghost or by the demons and his cohorts. Dont be fooled. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. There is no other god that has lived our life and suffered with us so we can have an intimate relationship with him. Buddha avoids suffering ,allah wants you to die for him, yet Jesus came and died for you so that you can have life more abundantly
Patrick Rawls Tatae2023 : John 3:16
72713902 Slug : Buddha said he wouldn't want a world without suffering, and Allah does not want you to die for him. Check ur facts, let people believe what they want
Patrick Rawls Slug : preach brother
Patrick Rawls 72713902 : Allah married a 5 year old girl
Slug 72713902 : Yes the road to hell is wide and very traveled upon. The straight and narrow path is the road i am on. The people may believe what they may. You who hear the words and do not obey and lead others to destruction will have a sad fate. Let every man reason in his own mind. But the only way to life everlasting is through Jesus. He is returning soon. My facts are correct and you who has no knowledge of these things and has not searched the scriptures are in grave danger.
72713902 Patrick Rawls : that statement tells me your completely uninformed
72713902 Slug : agree to disagree. I have great respect for christians that are firm in their faith