I'm hoping $1 max so I can buy new truck. Ryan Dick wants $76 a share so he can be a multimillionaire with his piss on 16K. He thinks Rich Roche will feel sorry for him with 1:1 conversion and has mindseye66 brainwashed. They will block anyone who disagree with the delusional narrative 🙄. Nothing to do on his couch Christmas but copy every sheet in the Encyclopedia to post so you like his BS. Don't comment unless you want him to repost and spam RHHBY 24/7. Grown men crying and threatening lawsuit will just piss off big money 💰 🤑 💸 😒
Ryand83 : screw your truck have you not paid attention to ANYTHING I'VE SAID. LUMIRADX HAS THE CAPABILITY OF Mass Spectrometry. Meaning this device could theoretically be the first point of care to actually detect Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and a long list of neurodegenerative diseases & cancers. go shill a buck at your local 7-11 this ain't it.