104723532 : Is that 100 referring to 1000 kiloliters?
103842303 : Is green for buying or selling?
105449251-momo OP 104723532 : If you are good at adding and subtracting numbers like 500K+500K...
105449251-momo OP 103842303 : buy
103842303 : OK
SKYskySkysky : 850 thousand
爽哥 : Why does 1 million seem to have no effect when it goes down?
SKYskySkysky : I'm about to have a heart attack after putting in 85,000.Sure enough, poverty limits my imagination
104723532 : Is that 100 referring to 1000 kiloliters?
103842303 : Is green for buying or selling?
105449251-momo OP 104723532 : If you are good at adding and subtracting numbers like 500K+500K...
105449251-momo OP 103842303 : buy
103842303 : OK
SKYskySkysky : 850 thousand
爽哥 : Why does 1 million seem to have no effect when it goes down?
SKYskySkysky : I'm about to have a heart attack after putting in 85,000.
Sure enough, poverty limits my imagination