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Trump trade: Bitcoin hit record highs and Tesla hits $1 trillion market cap
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MAGA 2024 40mins countdown

MAGA 2024 40mins countdown
pour your money in for the sentiments’ sake
i said 42 today but 100 it is tomorrow
0 or nothing let’s swing the red across america dear 王建国
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  • 10baggerbamm : well it's not zero or a hundred tomorrow because Wednesday best case scenario is when you would see that type of move

  • Shroomie : 3 shares...big money

  • JianHoung OP 10baggerbamm : that’s why MKT is GTD, due in 4 days

  • JianHoung OP Shroomie : man let me be it’s day 1 for me

  • Shroomie JianHoung OP : 😃

  • JianHoung OP 10baggerbamm : and tomorrow will show more volatility, still planning to close today and wait for tomorrow. Already in the green regardless unless MAGA dump happens

  • 10baggerbamm JianHoung OP : why don't you leave your profits in it and roll the dice that way if it goes to 100 you got your profits in it if it goes to zero fuck it what's it matter and it won't go to zero it'll go to 9 bucks 10 bucks somewhere in there

  • JianHoung OP 10baggerbamm : Would love it if I had the port to do so, was just planning to recover from the FX exchange today with fees and made it back, eyed somemore, and now already shorted PLTR. Waiting for the green from PLTR earnings call, then cop the win for me to compound and size up more for tomorrow’s volatility

  • 10baggerbamm JianHoung OP : you're shorting pltr wow... they knocked the cover off the ball 3 quarters in a row. I don't know why people short stocks your risk is this stock could Gap $7-8 at 4:30 and you're screwed you're going to be forced to cover because the only other chance would be a Harris win in which case it will come down a little. why wouldn't you just buy puts there's so much more safety in buying puts and you can buy it at the money put and then you get dollar for a dollar appreciation and your risk is limited you know exactly what you will lose guaranteed worst case scenario.. and they may fall I mean it it could go to $36.36.50 whether it's on earnings or whether it's the election result I would never short this company their Market is only 1% penetrated they have no competition that means their future is to ramp up at whatever rate that they can do they have zero competition and it's about a $80 billion dollar market now growing potentially to 100 billion by mid next year they only have 1% I mean that spells financial suicide to me if somebody said hey you want to short this company

  • JianHoung OP 10baggerbamm : Apologies for my shitty english, i sold the PLTR just about hours ago to double down in DJT. Currently waiting for RTH to end and coup earnings to long PLTR later ahead of the earnings call.

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