Japan's Toyota, Honda, and Suzuki have also announced share buybacks, but the buzz isn't very high... is it a difference in scale...? Are shareholder initiatives different?
However, if you don't do that, there is a possibility that stock prices will plummet, isn't it a sign that business performance will continue
181684557 : the best!
フリード : I like it
181630663 : I bought more GXUS20 for some reason before 15:00 in the Japanese market, but this was the reason
takatashi : Japan's Toyota, Honda, and Suzuki have also announced share buybacks, but the buzz isn't very high... is it a difference in scale...? Are shareholder initiatives different?
182865283 : As expected, it's Apple
182217477 : However, if you don't do that, there is a possibility that stock prices will plummet, isn't it a sign that business performance will continue
コロナEDのルーデウス : Company stock buybacks temporarily surpassed
Should it be used as an investment cash flow