Make a difference in an instant! Revolutionize access to investment information with “search”
To all Moo users
I have trouble finding the stock information I'm looking for, or I need it on the stock pageFind dataHave you ever felt like it was bothersome?
You won't be bothered by that kind of frustration anymore. We are everyone'sFundamentally change the search experiencenovelupgradingIt has been introduced.
What is the appeal of the upgraded “search”?
Access the information you want to see with just one click
There's no need to search through stock pages anymore.“Stock + data you want to see”Simply type in the search field and you'll be taken directly to the page you're looking for.
Cover all stock information
On the stock pageChart tabData required for stock trading in, orAnalysis tabIt's infinancial dataYaShareholder InformationYou can directly access the information you need, such as
Smart and accurate search results
The search functionSmart and accurate informationWe will deliver it quickly. Even with simple input that excludes incomplete search words, spaces, etc., it is possible to reach the target information.
For example, simply entering “Apple short sale” will display a data analysis guide related to Apple's short sale.
Display procedure
Search button → enter keyword → see details
*To use the new search function, use the moomoo appLATEST EDITIONYou need to update to
Through moomoo, you'll be able to access information more efficiently and intuitively. Be sure to try out this new search feature.
We will continue to improve the app so that it can be useful in your investment activities. We ask that you continue to use the moomoo app.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
SpyderCall : This is a very clever addition
Haru13 : RIZAP
しょう5 : reassuring!